In doma

in doma is a pop album by the Italian author, pianist and singer Debora Petrina. It was released in 2009, produced by DBR313 and distributed by Egea. It is the first album published in Italy by the artist, who wrote and arranged all the songs and features guest stars like Elliott Sharp, , Amy Kohn and Ascanio Celestini. Two songs were selected by David Byrne for the September 2009 playlist of his web radio.Jam magazine voted this album as the best debut album and reviewed it on November 2009. The album won the Indie-pop Revelation Prize, during 2009 edition of MEI (festival of indie labels).

In doma

in doma is a pop album by the Italian author, pianist and singer Debora Petrina. It was released in 2009, produced by DBR313 and distributed by Egea. It is the first album published in Italy by the artist, who wrote and arranged all the songs and features guest stars like Elliott Sharp, , Amy Kohn and Ascanio Celestini. Two songs were selected by David Byrne for the September 2009 playlist of his web radio.Jam magazine voted this album as the best debut album and reviewed it on November 2009. The album won the Indie-pop Revelation Prize, during 2009 edition of MEI (festival of indie labels).