Inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system

Inflammatory demyelinating diseases (IDDs), sometimes called Idiopathic (IIDDs) because the unknown etiology of some of them, and sometimes known as borderline forms of multiple sclerosis, is a collection of multiple sclerosis variants, sometimes considered different diseases, but considered by others to form a spectrum differing only in terms of chronicity, severity, and clinical course. The subject is under intense research and the list of MS autoantibodies is expected to grow in the near future

Inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system

Inflammatory demyelinating diseases (IDDs), sometimes called Idiopathic (IIDDs) because the unknown etiology of some of them, and sometimes known as borderline forms of multiple sclerosis, is a collection of multiple sclerosis variants, sometimes considered different diseases, but considered by others to form a spectrum differing only in terms of chronicity, severity, and clinical course. The subject is under intense research and the list of MS autoantibodies is expected to grow in the near future