Injury-induced stem-cell niche

An injury-induced stem-cell niche is a cellular microenvironments generated during tissue injury. These environments are triggered by injury and the local responses of support cells, and enable the possibility of repair by endogenous or transplanted neural stem cells. These environments have been demonstrated in several injury models, most notable in the CNS. The term was coined by Jaime Imitola and when they demonstrated that astrocytes and endothelial cells during stroke are able to create a permissive environment for neural regeneration, that is most striking for exogenous transplanted neural stem cells. Previous work by the Snyder Laboratory have shown that the interactions between NSCs and local cells is reciprocal, underlying a bystander beneficial effect of neural stem cells withou

Injury-induced stem-cell niche

An injury-induced stem-cell niche is a cellular microenvironments generated during tissue injury. These environments are triggered by injury and the local responses of support cells, and enable the possibility of repair by endogenous or transplanted neural stem cells. These environments have been demonstrated in several injury models, most notable in the CNS. The term was coined by Jaime Imitola and when they demonstrated that astrocytes and endothelial cells during stroke are able to create a permissive environment for neural regeneration, that is most striking for exogenous transplanted neural stem cells. Previous work by the Snyder Laboratory have shown that the interactions between NSCs and local cells is reciprocal, underlying a bystander beneficial effect of neural stem cells withou