Institute of Therapy and Investigation

The Institute of Therapy and Investigation into the Effects of Torture and State Violence - el Instituto de Terapia e Investigación sobre las Secuelas de la Tortura y la Violencia Estatal (ITEI) in Spanish - is a multidisciplinary non-governmental organisation based in Bolivia. It offers assistance to those affected directly or indirectly by torture and state violence through rehabilitative means. Since its founding in 2001 it has been the only organisation in Bolivia dedicated specifically to tackling the issues of torture and state violence.

Institute of Therapy and Investigation

The Institute of Therapy and Investigation into the Effects of Torture and State Violence - el Instituto de Terapia e Investigación sobre las Secuelas de la Tortura y la Violencia Estatal (ITEI) in Spanish - is a multidisciplinary non-governmental organisation based in Bolivia. It offers assistance to those affected directly or indirectly by torture and state violence through rehabilitative means. Since its founding in 2001 it has been the only organisation in Bolivia dedicated specifically to tackling the issues of torture and state violence.