
An interim is a provisional or temporary intervening period of time. In projects, an interim report is often compiled to analyze how the project is proceeding, before its final completion. Interim analysis is important in medical trials, to ensure that the patients are not exposed to unnecessary danger during the trial. An interim constitution is a constitution that has not been completely ratified but serves as a temporary law until a permanent is made. * Regensburg Interim (1541) * Augsburg Interim (1548) * Leipzig Interim (1548)


An interim is a provisional or temporary intervening period of time. In projects, an interim report is often compiled to analyze how the project is proceeding, before its final completion. Interim analysis is important in medical trials, to ensure that the patients are not exposed to unnecessary danger during the trial. An interim constitution is a constitution that has not been completely ratified but serves as a temporary law until a permanent is made. * Regensburg Interim (1541) * Augsburg Interim (1548) * Leipzig Interim (1548)