
Intertwingularity is a term coined by Ted Nelson to express the complexity of interrelations in human knowledge. Nelson wrote in Computer Lib/Dream Machines : "EVERYTHING IS DEEPLY INTERTWINGLED. In an important sense there are no "subjects" at all; there is only all knowledge, since the cross-connections among the myriad topics of this world simply cannot be divided up neatly." Intertwingularity is related to Nelson's coining of the term hypertext, partially inspired by "As We May Think" (1945) by Vannevar Bush.


Intertwingularity is a term coined by Ted Nelson to express the complexity of interrelations in human knowledge. Nelson wrote in Computer Lib/Dream Machines : "EVERYTHING IS DEEPLY INTERTWINGLED. In an important sense there are no "subjects" at all; there is only all knowledge, since the cross-connections among the myriad topics of this world simply cannot be divided up neatly." Intertwingularity is related to Nelson's coining of the term hypertext, partially inspired by "As We May Think" (1945) by Vannevar Bush.