Intrapreneurial Bricolage

Intrapreneurial Bricolage (IB) is the pursuit of entrepreneurial endeavors, operating within a larger organization using only limited, available resources. The term combines the two concepts of intrapreneurship and bricolage. Intrapreneurship uses principles and strategies from the discipline of entrepreneurship and applies them within the confines of an organization rather than initiating new ones. Borrow from the French word for "makeshift job", bricolage is a type of art using whatever media is at hand. In the context of intrapreneurial bricolage, intrapreneurs find innovative ways to work with a scarcity of resources.

Intrapreneurial Bricolage

Intrapreneurial Bricolage (IB) is the pursuit of entrepreneurial endeavors, operating within a larger organization using only limited, available resources. The term combines the two concepts of intrapreneurship and bricolage. Intrapreneurship uses principles and strategies from the discipline of entrepreneurship and applies them within the confines of an organization rather than initiating new ones. Borrow from the French word for "makeshift job", bricolage is a type of art using whatever media is at hand. In the context of intrapreneurial bricolage, intrapreneurs find innovative ways to work with a scarcity of resources.