Invisible Avenger

Invisible Avenger is a 1958 film noir crime film directed by James Wong Howe, Ben Parker and John Sledge. The film is a compilation of two episodes of a 1957 Republic Pictures television pilot for The Shadow. The episodes, one directed by cinematographer James Wong Howe, were put together and released as a theatrical feature. The film was re-released in 1962 under the title Bourbon Street Shadows by the Louisiana-based MPA films. The episodes were shot on location in New Orleans.

Invisible Avenger

Invisible Avenger is a 1958 film noir crime film directed by James Wong Howe, Ben Parker and John Sledge. The film is a compilation of two episodes of a 1957 Republic Pictures television pilot for The Shadow. The episodes, one directed by cinematographer James Wong Howe, were put together and released as a theatrical feature. The film was re-released in 1962 under the title Bourbon Street Shadows by the Louisiana-based MPA films. The episodes were shot on location in New Orleans.