Ipsut Creek Patrol Cabin

The Ipsut Creek Patrol Cabin was built by the United States National Park Service in 1933 in Mount Rainier National Park to house backcountry rangers. The log cabin resembles other cabins at Huckleberry Creek, Lake James and Three Lakes, all built to standard plans from the Park Service Branch of Plans and Designs, supervised by Acting Chief Architect W.G. Carnes. The cabin is approximately 24 feet (7.3 m) by 14 feet (4.3 m), with a lean-to storage shed to the rear.

Ipsut Creek Patrol Cabin

The Ipsut Creek Patrol Cabin was built by the United States National Park Service in 1933 in Mount Rainier National Park to house backcountry rangers. The log cabin resembles other cabins at Huckleberry Creek, Lake James and Three Lakes, all built to standard plans from the Park Service Branch of Plans and Designs, supervised by Acting Chief Architect W.G. Carnes. The cabin is approximately 24 feet (7.3 m) by 14 feet (4.3 m), with a lean-to storage shed to the rear.