Irreligion in Morocco

Irreligion in Morocco is relatively uncommon, in the country. While a 2015 poll of about 1000 Moroccans by Gallup International found that 4% of respondents said they were "not religious", and 1% reported being a "convinced atheist", while 93% said they were religious; Another survey of about 2,400 Moroccans in 2019 by Arab Barometer found that 13% answered that they are "not religious", 44% said they are "somewhat religious", and 38% "religious". Younger people were less likely to consider themselves "religious", with only 24% of those aged 18–29 years identifying themselves as such.

Irreligion in Morocco

Irreligion in Morocco is relatively uncommon, in the country. While a 2015 poll of about 1000 Moroccans by Gallup International found that 4% of respondents said they were "not religious", and 1% reported being a "convinced atheist", while 93% said they were religious; Another survey of about 2,400 Moroccans in 2019 by Arab Barometer found that 13% answered that they are "not religious", 44% said they are "somewhat religious", and 38% "religious". Younger people were less likely to consider themselves "religious", with only 24% of those aged 18–29 years identifying themselves as such.