Irreligion in Turkey

Irreligion in Turkey refers to the extent of the lack, indifference to or rejection of religious faith in the country. Based on surveys, Islam is the predominant faith and irreligious people form a minority in Turkey, although precise estimates of the share of deists, atheists, agnostics and other unaffiliated people in the population vary. One study in Turkey reported that 95% believe in God while 75% are religious. Another study, done by a French company which interviewed 17,180 adults across 22 countries, stated that atheists accounted for 7% of those who were interviewed from Turkey while agnostics accounted for 3%.

Irreligion in Turkey

Irreligion in Turkey refers to the extent of the lack, indifference to or rejection of religious faith in the country. Based on surveys, Islam is the predominant faith and irreligious people form a minority in Turkey, although precise estimates of the share of deists, atheists, agnostics and other unaffiliated people in the population vary. One study in Turkey reported that 95% believe in God while 75% are religious. Another study, done by a French company which interviewed 17,180 adults across 22 countries, stated that atheists accounted for 7% of those who were interviewed from Turkey while agnostics accounted for 3%.