Iru (food)

Irú or Eware (Edo) is a type of fermented and processed locust beans (Parkia biglobosa) used as a condiment in cooking. It is similar to ogiri and douchi. It is very popular among the Yoruba people and Edo people of Nigeria. It is used in cooking traditional soups like egusi soup, okro soup, Ewedu soup and ogbono soup.Among the Manding-speaking people of West Africa irú is known as sumbala. The Yorubas classify iru into two types: Iru Woro which is commonly use in making stew and Iru Pete which is used in making ewedu and egusi soup.

Iru (food)

Irú or Eware (Edo) is a type of fermented and processed locust beans (Parkia biglobosa) used as a condiment in cooking. It is similar to ogiri and douchi. It is very popular among the Yoruba people and Edo people of Nigeria. It is used in cooking traditional soups like egusi soup, okro soup, Ewedu soup and ogbono soup.Among the Manding-speaking people of West Africa irú is known as sumbala. The Yorubas classify iru into two types: Iru Woro which is commonly use in making stew and Iru Pete which is used in making ewedu and egusi soup.