Isthmus Nahuatl

Isthmus Nahuatl (Isthmus Nahuat; native name: mela'tájto̲l) is a Nahuatl dialect cluster spoken by about 30,000 people in Veracruz, Mexico. According to Ethnologue 16, the Cosoleacaque dialect is 84% intelligible with Pajapan, and 83% intelligible with Mecayapan.

Isthmus Nahuatl

Isthmus Nahuatl (Isthmus Nahuat; native name: mela'tájto̲l) is a Nahuatl dialect cluster spoken by about 30,000 people in Veracruz, Mexico. According to Ethnologue 16, the Cosoleacaque dialect is 84% intelligible with Pajapan, and 83% intelligible with Mecayapan.