JXTA (Juxtapose) was an open-source peer-to-peer protocol specification begun by Sun Microsystems in 2001. The JXTA protocols were defined as a set of XML messages which allow any device connected to a network to exchange messages and collaborate independently of the underlying network topology. As JXTA was based upon a set of open XML protocols, it could be implemented in any modern computer language. Implementations were developed for Java SE, C/C++, C# and Java ME. The C# Version used the C++/C native bindings and was not a complete re-implementation in its own right.


JXTA (Juxtapose) was an open-source peer-to-peer protocol specification begun by Sun Microsystems in 2001. The JXTA protocols were defined as a set of XML messages which allow any device connected to a network to exchange messages and collaborate independently of the underlying network topology. As JXTA was based upon a set of open XML protocols, it could be implemented in any modern computer language. Implementations were developed for Java SE, C/C++, C# and Java ME. The C# Version used the C++/C native bindings and was not a complete re-implementation in its own right.