Jack Fiddler

Jack Fiddler, also known as Zhauwuno-geezhigo-gaubow (from the Oji-Cree: Zhaawano-giizhigo-gaabaw meaning "He who stands in the southern sky") and as Maisaninnine or Mesnawetheno (in Swampy Cree meaning "Stylish man") (c. 1839-September 30, 1907) was an ogimaa (chief and shaman) of the Sucker doodem among the Anishinaabe in what is now northwestern Ontario. His arrest in 1906 for the alleged murder of a wendigo and his suicide before trial marked the beginning of the imposition of Canadian law on the Sucker People. Until then, Fiddler's people had been among the last aboriginal peoples living in North America completely under their own law and custom.

Jack Fiddler

Jack Fiddler, also known as Zhauwuno-geezhigo-gaubow (from the Oji-Cree: Zhaawano-giizhigo-gaabaw meaning "He who stands in the southern sky") and as Maisaninnine or Mesnawetheno (in Swampy Cree meaning "Stylish man") (c. 1839-September 30, 1907) was an ogimaa (chief and shaman) of the Sucker doodem among the Anishinaabe in what is now northwestern Ontario. His arrest in 1906 for the alleged murder of a wendigo and his suicide before trial marked the beginning of the imposition of Canadian law on the Sucker People. Until then, Fiddler's people had been among the last aboriginal peoples living in North America completely under their own law and custom.