Jacqueline Feldman

Jacqueline Feldman (born August 8, 1936) is a French sociologist and author. She worked as a researcher for the French National Centre for Scientific Research until retirement in 2001, but has continued to publish until 2020.She co-founded FMA (Féminin, Masculin, Avenir), one of the ancestors that later would become Mouvement de libération des femmes in 1970.

Jacqueline Feldman

Jacqueline Feldman (born August 8, 1936) is a French sociologist and author. She worked as a researcher for the French National Centre for Scientific Research until retirement in 2001, but has continued to publish until 2020.She co-founded FMA (Féminin, Masculin, Avenir), one of the ancestors that later would become Mouvement de libération des femmes in 1970.