Jag vill leva i Europa

Jag vill leva i Europa is a song written by , recorded by him on the 1982 album . Arja Saijonmaa recorded the song on her 1987 album and her recording charted at Svensktoppen for 14 weeks between 17 May-1 November 1987, peaking at second position. In 1987 it was also recorded by Jan Hammarlund in French, as "Je veux vivre en Europe". also recorded the song in 1987. Euskefeurat has also recorded the song, with other lyrics, called "Jag vill städa i Europa".

Jag vill leva i Europa

Jag vill leva i Europa is a song written by , recorded by him on the 1982 album . Arja Saijonmaa recorded the song on her 1987 album and her recording charted at Svensktoppen for 14 weeks between 17 May-1 November 1987, peaking at second position. In 1987 it was also recorded by Jan Hammarlund in French, as "Je veux vivre en Europe". also recorded the song in 1987. Euskefeurat has also recorded the song, with other lyrics, called "Jag vill städa i Europa".