Jaiyah Saelua

Jaiyah Saelua (born John Saelua) is an American Samoan international football player. Saelua is a fa'afafine, a third gender present in Polynesian society roughly translating as "way of the woman". She is a member of the American Samoa national football team (a men's team). She is the first openly transgender player to compete in a FIFA World Cup qualifier. Saelua is featured in the 2014 documentary Next Goal Wins. A feature film version of Next Goal Wins is planned. The film will feature Kaimana, an actor who is also a fa'afafine, as Saelua, and will be directed by Taika Waititi.

Jaiyah Saelua

Jaiyah Saelua (born John Saelua) is an American Samoan international football player. Saelua is a fa'afafine, a third gender present in Polynesian society roughly translating as "way of the woman". She is a member of the American Samoa national football team (a men's team). She is the first openly transgender player to compete in a FIFA World Cup qualifier. Saelua is featured in the 2014 documentary Next Goal Wins. A feature film version of Next Goal Wins is planned. The film will feature Kaimana, an actor who is also a fa'afafine, as Saelua, and will be directed by Taika Waititi.