Je lutte donc je suis

Je lutte donc je suis (French: I fight therefore I am) is a documentary film about social and political struggles in Greece and Spain, realized by , in September 2015, in France. The title is made from the aphorisme of the philosopher René Descartes Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am). Although it was not distributed by any mainstream company, it has had a very large success, and has been shown to numerous theaters, festivals, in France and in Europe. It received two awards. The film is available under a Creative Commons license.

Je lutte donc je suis

Je lutte donc je suis (French: I fight therefore I am) is a documentary film about social and political struggles in Greece and Spain, realized by , in September 2015, in France. The title is made from the aphorisme of the philosopher René Descartes Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am). Although it was not distributed by any mainstream company, it has had a very large success, and has been shown to numerous theaters, festivals, in France and in Europe. It received two awards. The film is available under a Creative Commons license.