Jean Frangipani

The Croat noble called by the French Jean Frangipani was sent by the agents of Francis I of France as ambassador to the Sublime Porte, following the Battle of Pavia (February 1525) which had been a disaster for the French. With the King of France imprisoned in Madrid, Frangipani was commissioned to carry an official letter encouraging Suleiman the Magnificent to attack the Emperor Charles V. The response he received was the opening of the long-standing Franco-Ottoman alliance. Francis's return letter was carried by another.

Jean Frangipani

The Croat noble called by the French Jean Frangipani was sent by the agents of Francis I of France as ambassador to the Sublime Porte, following the Battle of Pavia (February 1525) which had been a disaster for the French. With the King of France imprisoned in Madrid, Frangipani was commissioned to carry an official letter encouraging Suleiman the Magnificent to attack the Emperor Charles V. The response he received was the opening of the long-standing Franco-Ottoman alliance. Francis's return letter was carried by another.