Jes Psaila

Jes Psaila is a Maltese guitarist born on 23 February 1964. Psaila began his musical career as an electric guitarist in 1982 playing with various rock groups, most notably with the Maltese progressive rock band Avatar. At that time other prominent Maltese rock bands included Marsascala-based , Over and . With Psaila the founding members of Avatar were Aidan Zammit Lupi, Ivan Scicluna, Sean Griscti and Karl Griscti. The band gave memorable concerts in most of Malta's large venues and clubs, and was especially known for the intricate harmonised solos on two guitars. With Avatar, he supported the Ghanaian band Osibisa during a concert at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta in 1984. Zammit Lupi and the Griscti brothers left Malta by 1985 and the band never reunited.

Jes Psaila

Jes Psaila is a Maltese guitarist born on 23 February 1964. Psaila began his musical career as an electric guitarist in 1982 playing with various rock groups, most notably with the Maltese progressive rock band Avatar. At that time other prominent Maltese rock bands included Marsascala-based , Over and . With Psaila the founding members of Avatar were Aidan Zammit Lupi, Ivan Scicluna, Sean Griscti and Karl Griscti. The band gave memorable concerts in most of Malta's large venues and clubs, and was especially known for the intricate harmonised solos on two guitars. With Avatar, he supported the Ghanaian band Osibisa during a concert at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta in 1984. Zammit Lupi and the Griscti brothers left Malta by 1985 and the band never reunited.