
Jety-ata (Kyrgyz: Жети ата, Kazakh: Жеті ата, "seven grandfathers/ancestors" is a tradition among the Kazakh people, in which one is obligated to know or recite the names of their at least seven direct blood ancestors such as father, grandfather, great grandfather and great-great-grandfather etc. This process often has been taught for the generations (the sons and daughters) from their childhoods by their parents, so any Kazakhs aware of their at least their seven ancestors, the peoples under seven generations known as most blood relatives with each other's or the most blood close clans.


Jety-ata (Kyrgyz: Жети ата, Kazakh: Жеті ата, "seven grandfathers/ancestors" is a tradition among the Kazakh people, in which one is obligated to know or recite the names of their at least seven direct blood ancestors such as father, grandfather, great grandfather and great-great-grandfather etc. This process often has been taught for the generations (the sons and daughters) from their childhoods by their parents, so any Kazakhs aware of their at least their seven ancestors, the peoples under seven generations known as most blood relatives with each other's or the most blood close clans.