Jo Stone-Fewings

Jonathan Stone-Fewings (born 1967 in Hereford, England) is an English actor. He studied at Hereford College of Arts and at the Welsh College of Music and Drama and began his career in 1989. He has been a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) since 1994. He first performed with the National Theatre playing Barrildo in Declan Donnellan's Fuenteovejuna at the Cottesloe Theatre. In 2015 he was appointed a Fellow of Hereford College of Arts.

Jo Stone-Fewings

Jonathan Stone-Fewings (born 1967 in Hereford, England) is an English actor. He studied at Hereford College of Arts and at the Welsh College of Music and Drama and began his career in 1989. He has been a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) since 1994. He first performed with the National Theatre playing Barrildo in Declan Donnellan's Fuenteovejuna at the Cottesloe Theatre. In 2015 he was appointed a Fellow of Hereford College of Arts.