Job Jaffré

Joseph-Marie Jaffré, better known as Job Jaffré (May 6, 1906 - March 12, 1986), was a French journalist and Breton nationalist. He also published under pseudonyms, most notably as Jos Pempoull. Jaffré was born in Berné, Morbihan. His journalistic work was strongly associated with the promotion of Breton culture and language. He worked on Breton onomastics and toponymy. He also became active in the Breton separatist movement.

Job Jaffré

Joseph-Marie Jaffré, better known as Job Jaffré (May 6, 1906 - March 12, 1986), was a French journalist and Breton nationalist. He also published under pseudonyms, most notably as Jos Pempoull. Jaffré was born in Berné, Morbihan. His journalistic work was strongly associated with the promotion of Breton culture and language. He worked on Breton onomastics and toponymy. He also became active in the Breton separatist movement.