Joged dance

Joged dance is a style of dance from the Island of Bali derived from the traditional Gandrung dance. The term joged or joget is also a common word for dance in Indonesia. The dance is typically accompanied by a gamelan ensemble of bamboo instruments called a gamelan joged bumbung. Dancers usually wear attire consisting of a Kebaya and Sarong Unlike most Balinese dance, joged is not a religious and ritual one, it is a secular social dance for entertainment purposes only. During a joged performance, a single or several female dancers will perform for usually predominantly male audience to dance with them. Dancers may often invite a spectator to join in the joged using a fan and sash. which unlike many dances has no set moves and is largely improvised. It is considered impolite to refuse such

Joged dance

Joged dance is a style of dance from the Island of Bali derived from the traditional Gandrung dance. The term joged or joget is also a common word for dance in Indonesia. The dance is typically accompanied by a gamelan ensemble of bamboo instruments called a gamelan joged bumbung. Dancers usually wear attire consisting of a Kebaya and Sarong Unlike most Balinese dance, joged is not a religious and ritual one, it is a secular social dance for entertainment purposes only. During a joged performance, a single or several female dancers will perform for usually predominantly male audience to dance with them. Dancers may often invite a spectator to join in the joged using a fan and sash. which unlike many dances has no set moves and is largely improvised. It is considered impolite to refuse such