John Baker (priest)

John Baker, D.D. (died 1745), was an English academic, vice-master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Baker was admitted to Westminster School, on the foundation, in 1691, and thence elected to Trinity College in 1695 (B.A. 1698, M.A. 1702, B.D. 1709, D.D. comitiis regiis 1717). He was elected a minor fellow of Trinity on 2 October 1701, and a major fellow on 17 April 1702. In 1722, he was appointed vice-master of the college, and in 1731, rector of Dickleburgh in Norfolk. He also held the perpetual curacy of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. Baker was a supporter of Dr. Richard Bentley (from 1700, the new Master of Trinity College) as he sought to reform the college against significant resistance from other fellow. Baker rendered the master of Trinity great service by obtaining signatures in favou

John Baker (priest)

John Baker, D.D. (died 1745), was an English academic, vice-master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Baker was admitted to Westminster School, on the foundation, in 1691, and thence elected to Trinity College in 1695 (B.A. 1698, M.A. 1702, B.D. 1709, D.D. comitiis regiis 1717). He was elected a minor fellow of Trinity on 2 October 1701, and a major fellow on 17 April 1702. In 1722, he was appointed vice-master of the college, and in 1731, rector of Dickleburgh in Norfolk. He also held the perpetual curacy of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. Baker was a supporter of Dr. Richard Bentley (from 1700, the new Master of Trinity College) as he sought to reform the college against significant resistance from other fellow. Baker rendered the master of Trinity great service by obtaining signatures in favou