John Michael Cullen

Professor John Michael Cullen (14 December 1927 – 23 March 2001) was an Australian ornithologist, of English origin. Mike Cullen began his academic career by studying mathematics at Wadham College, Oxford, but later switched to zoology, spending time at the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology while investigating the ecology of marsh tits. He subsequently achieved his PhD with Niko Tinbergen with a study of the behaviour of the common tern on the Farne Islands off the coast of Northumberland.

John Michael Cullen

Professor John Michael Cullen (14 December 1927 – 23 March 2001) was an Australian ornithologist, of English origin. Mike Cullen began his academic career by studying mathematics at Wadham College, Oxford, but later switched to zoology, spending time at the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology while investigating the ecology of marsh tits. He subsequently achieved his PhD with Niko Tinbergen with a study of the behaviour of the common tern on the Farne Islands off the coast of Northumberland.