John Norris Hewett

John Norris Hewett (c. 1745 – 1790), born Fisher, was an English art collector and amateur artist. The date and location of Hewett's birth is unknown; it has been posited that she was a native of Penicuik. Also unknown is the origin of her unusual forename, though it has been suggested that it was chosen to placate her grandfather, Admiral John Norris, after her mother remarried against his wishes. Her father was Robert Fisher of Sandieford, a member of the Royal Company of Scottish Archers. She married three times. In 1764 she married Captain John Gordon of the 50th Foot of Ireland, who later divorced her for adultery. In 1773 she married Admiral John Storr, acquiring from him a house in Bedford Square and a life interest in a number of Yorkshire estates. Soon after his death she married

John Norris Hewett

John Norris Hewett (c. 1745 – 1790), born Fisher, was an English art collector and amateur artist. The date and location of Hewett's birth is unknown; it has been posited that she was a native of Penicuik. Also unknown is the origin of her unusual forename, though it has been suggested that it was chosen to placate her grandfather, Admiral John Norris, after her mother remarried against his wishes. Her father was Robert Fisher of Sandieford, a member of the Royal Company of Scottish Archers. She married three times. In 1764 she married Captain John Gordon of the 50th Foot of Ireland, who later divorced her for adultery. In 1773 she married Admiral John Storr, acquiring from him a house in Bedford Square and a life interest in a number of Yorkshire estates. Soon after his death she married