Johnny Cash Farm House No. 266

Johnny Cash moved with his family to a rural community in Mississippi County, Arkansas. The farm house was built in 1934 in a government project to help boost the economy. The Cash family joined the community in March of 1935. Ray and Carrie Cash moved to Arkansas when they took an offer to farm government land for poor and impoverished farmers. The Cash family went through many hard ships while living in the farm house by floods and losing one of their children, Jack Cash. Growing up picking cotton and working on the farm influenced some of Johnny Cash's songs in the future. One of them being "Pickin' Time."

Johnny Cash Farm House No. 266

Johnny Cash moved with his family to a rural community in Mississippi County, Arkansas. The farm house was built in 1934 in a government project to help boost the economy. The Cash family joined the community in March of 1935. Ray and Carrie Cash moved to Arkansas when they took an offer to farm government land for poor and impoverished farmers. The Cash family went through many hard ships while living in the farm house by floods and losing one of their children, Jack Cash. Growing up picking cotton and working on the farm influenced some of Johnny Cash's songs in the future. One of them being "Pickin' Time."