Jolán Szilágyi

Jolán Szilágyi (15 June 1895, Székelyudvarhely - 8 July 1971, Budapest), was a Hungarian painter, graphic artist and cartoonist. She married Tibor Szamuely. During the Hungarian Soviet Republic Tibor was People's Commissar for Military Affairs and Jolán produced political posters, such as Minden gyárnak legyen munkászászlóalja! (Every factory should have a workers' battalion!). When the Republic was overthrown, she went into exile spending time in Italy, Germany and the Soviet Union, before returning to Hungary in 1948.

Jolán Szilágyi

Jolán Szilágyi (15 June 1895, Székelyudvarhely - 8 July 1971, Budapest), was a Hungarian painter, graphic artist and cartoonist. She married Tibor Szamuely. During the Hungarian Soviet Republic Tibor was People's Commissar for Military Affairs and Jolán produced political posters, such as Minden gyárnak legyen munkászászlóalja! (Every factory should have a workers' battalion!). When the Republic was overthrown, she went into exile spending time in Italy, Germany and the Soviet Union, before returning to Hungary in 1948.