Jona Oberski

Jona Oberski (Amsterdam, 20 March 1938) is a Dutch writer. A year before his birth, his parents escaped from Nazi Germany to The Netherlands. But when World War II had broken out, the country was soon occupied too, and there remained no other route available than the one forced upon all those other Jewish families. The family was transported through camp Westerbork and to camp Bergen-Belsen. Jona survived the war, but both his parents died. He was taken care of by a foster family. He dedicated his first book Childhood to his foster parents: For my foster parentswho had quite a timewith me.

Jona Oberski

Jona Oberski (Amsterdam, 20 March 1938) is a Dutch writer. A year before his birth, his parents escaped from Nazi Germany to The Netherlands. But when World War II had broken out, the country was soon occupied too, and there remained no other route available than the one forced upon all those other Jewish families. The family was transported through camp Westerbork and to camp Bergen-Belsen. Jona survived the war, but both his parents died. He was taken care of by a foster family. He dedicated his first book Childhood to his foster parents: For my foster parentswho had quite a timewith me.