Jonah (comics)

Jonah was a British comic strip series, published in the magazine The Beano, drawn by Ken Reid. It first appeared in issue 817, dated 15 March 1958. The title character- a sailor and a skinny, gormless, chinless wonder- was feared by all other mariners because he would (accidentally) sink every ship he sailed on (and often all other vessels in the neighbourhood to boot). His name is a direct reference to the long-established sailor's superstition (which is in turn based on the Biblical prophet Jonah whose ship nearly sank in a storm). In one episode he started a war between the nations of Gorgonzolia and Parafinalia and this resulted in the utter destruction of the combined fleets of both countries (a possible reference to the Cold War). The strip ran until issue 1090, dated 8 June 1963, w

Jonah (comics)

Jonah was a British comic strip series, published in the magazine The Beano, drawn by Ken Reid. It first appeared in issue 817, dated 15 March 1958. The title character- a sailor and a skinny, gormless, chinless wonder- was feared by all other mariners because he would (accidentally) sink every ship he sailed on (and often all other vessels in the neighbourhood to boot). His name is a direct reference to the long-established sailor's superstition (which is in turn based on the Biblical prophet Jonah whose ship nearly sank in a storm). In one episode he started a war between the nations of Gorgonzolia and Parafinalia and this resulted in the utter destruction of the combined fleets of both countries (a possible reference to the Cold War). The strip ran until issue 1090, dated 8 June 1963, w