Jos Van Immerseel

Jos Van Immerseel (born 9 November 1945) is a Belgian harpsichordist, pianist and conductor. Van Immerseel studied organ, piano and harpsichord at the under Flor Peeters, and harpsichordist and musicologist Kenneth Gilbert. He created the Collegium Musicum there, developing his interest in Renaissance and Baroque music, later expanding his activities to include the Classical and early Romantic eras. He is now in demand as a fortepianist in concert halls across Europe, where he is known for his refined sensitivity to the rhetorical aspects of music and for his skills in improvisation. (His cadenzas were singled out in reviews of his Beethoven concerto recordings.) Over the years, he has acquired a unique collection of period keyboard instruments, which travel with him for concerts and CD

Jos Van Immerseel

Jos Van Immerseel (born 9 November 1945) is a Belgian harpsichordist, pianist and conductor. Van Immerseel studied organ, piano and harpsichord at the under Flor Peeters, and harpsichordist and musicologist Kenneth Gilbert. He created the Collegium Musicum there, developing his interest in Renaissance and Baroque music, later expanding his activities to include the Classical and early Romantic eras. He is now in demand as a fortepianist in concert halls across Europe, where he is known for his refined sensitivity to the rhetorical aspects of music and for his skills in improvisation. (His cadenzas were singled out in reviews of his Beethoven concerto recordings.) Over the years, he has acquired a unique collection of period keyboard instruments, which travel with him for concerts and CD