Josep Tous Soler

Josep Tous Soler (31 March 1811 - 27 February 1871) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and a professed member of the Order of Friars Minor - the Capuchin branch of the Franciscan Order. Upon becoming a friar he assumed the religious name of "Josep from Igualada" and went on to preach in across both Spain and France. He was beatified in Barcelona on 25 April 2010; Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone - on the behalf of Pope Benedict XVI - presided over the beatification celebration.

Josep Tous Soler

Josep Tous Soler (31 March 1811 - 27 February 1871) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and a professed member of the Order of Friars Minor - the Capuchin branch of the Franciscan Order. Upon becoming a friar he assumed the religious name of "Josep from Igualada" and went on to preach in across both Spain and France. He was beatified in Barcelona on 25 April 2010; Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone - on the behalf of Pope Benedict XVI - presided over the beatification celebration.