Josephine Silone Yates

Josephine Silone Yates (1852 or November 15, 1859 – September 3, 1912), trained in chemistry, was one of the first black professors hired at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri, and, upon her promotion, the first black woman to head a college science department. She may have been the first black woman to hold a full professorship at any U.S. college or university.

Josephine Silone Yates

Josephine Silone Yates (1852 or November 15, 1859 – September 3, 1912), trained in chemistry, was one of the first black professors hired at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri, and, upon her promotion, the first black woman to head a college science department. She may have been the first black woman to hold a full professorship at any U.S. college or university.