Juana Brava

Juana Brava is a Chilean television series created by and and produced and aired by Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN) during the second half of 2015. The series takes place in the fictional town of San Fermín, inspired by the Chilean town of Tiltil, and focuses on the abuse of power and the struggle of a simple woman to change a complex system dominated by large and powerful entities. It highlights conflicts between citizens, social problems, corruption, and the struggle for rights. The series premiered on October 4, 2015.

Juana Brava

Juana Brava is a Chilean television series created by and and produced and aired by Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN) during the second half of 2015. The series takes place in the fictional town of San Fermín, inspired by the Chilean town of Tiltil, and focuses on the abuse of power and the struggle of a simple woman to change a complex system dominated by large and powerful entities. It highlights conflicts between citizens, social problems, corruption, and the struggle for rights. The series premiered on October 4, 2015.