Jules Beni

Jules Beni (died 1861) was a western outlaw who robbed stagecoaches in the Colorado Territory. Beni was involved in illegal activities linked to his trading post near Lodgepole Creek, Colorado, which was called by one Eastern journalist the "wickedest city on the plains." By the end of the decade the city had grown rapidly with the addition of a stagecoach station, which was eventually named Julesburg by the townspeople in honor of Beni. Slade was said to have kept the ears as souvenirs, using one of the ears as a watch fob and selling the other for drinking money.

Jules Beni

Jules Beni (died 1861) was a western outlaw who robbed stagecoaches in the Colorado Territory. Beni was involved in illegal activities linked to his trading post near Lodgepole Creek, Colorado, which was called by one Eastern journalist the "wickedest city on the plains." By the end of the decade the city had grown rapidly with the addition of a stagecoach station, which was eventually named Julesburg by the townspeople in honor of Beni. Slade was said to have kept the ears as souvenirs, using one of the ears as a watch fob and selling the other for drinking money.