Julian (film)

Julian is a 2012 Australian short film written and directed by Matthew Moore. The film is set in a 1981 classroom. It explores a day in the life of a nine-year-old Julian Assange, played by a then-unknown Ed Oxenbould. Julian won a Flickerfest Special Jury Award, a Crystal Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival and an AACTA Award for Best Short Fiction Film. Lead actor, Ed Oxenbould, was nominated for an AACTA for Best Young Actor.

Julian (film)

Julian is a 2012 Australian short film written and directed by Matthew Moore. The film is set in a 1981 classroom. It explores a day in the life of a nine-year-old Julian Assange, played by a then-unknown Ed Oxenbould. Julian won a Flickerfest Special Jury Award, a Crystal Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival and an AACTA Award for Best Short Fiction Film. Lead actor, Ed Oxenbould, was nominated for an AACTA for Best Young Actor.