
Kabouters (meaning gnomes in English) were a Dutch anarchist group in the 1970s. It was founded by Roel van Duijn and one of its objectives was to set up an alternative society based on Van Duyn’s ideas as stated in his book, De boodschap van een wijze Kabouter (The Message of a Wise Kabouter). Van Duyn for some time worked at an organic farm and asked the farmer if they were going to get a harvester. “No,” the farmer responded “Noisy machines chase away the kabouters, andwe need them to keep our plants healthy.” That is why Van Duyn used this image.


Kabouters (meaning gnomes in English) were a Dutch anarchist group in the 1970s. It was founded by Roel van Duijn and one of its objectives was to set up an alternative society based on Van Duyn’s ideas as stated in his book, De boodschap van een wijze Kabouter (The Message of a Wise Kabouter). Van Duyn for some time worked at an organic farm and asked the farmer if they were going to get a harvester. “No,” the farmer responded “Noisy machines chase away the kabouters, andwe need them to keep our plants healthy.” That is why Van Duyn used this image.