Kalaallit Nunaat high arctic tundra

The Kalaallit Nunaat high arctic tundra ecoregion (WWF ID:NA1112) covers the coastal areas of northern and eastern Greenland (called Kalaallit Nunaat in the Greenlandic language). Areas inland of this strip of land are either covered in ice or bare rock. About one-third of the region is covered by mosses and lichens, and another 3% by herbaceous vegetation and shrubs. The largest national park in the world, Northeast Greenland National Park, protects a majority of the land within the ecoregion.

Kalaallit Nunaat high arctic tundra

The Kalaallit Nunaat high arctic tundra ecoregion (WWF ID:NA1112) covers the coastal areas of northern and eastern Greenland (called Kalaallit Nunaat in the Greenlandic language). Areas inland of this strip of land are either covered in ice or bare rock. About one-third of the region is covered by mosses and lichens, and another 3% by herbaceous vegetation and shrubs. The largest national park in the world, Northeast Greenland National Park, protects a majority of the land within the ecoregion.