Kamoto mine

The Kamoto Mine is an underground copper and cobalt mine to the west of Musonoi in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.The exploitation rights are owned by the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC), a joint venture between Katanga Mining (75%) and the state-owned Gécamines (25%). Gécamines began operations in the Kamoto underground mine in 1969.The mine produced three million tonnes of ore annually in the 1980s.Before it closed in October 1990 it had produced 59.3 million tonnes of ore, with an grade of 4.21% copper and 0.37% cobalt.

Kamoto mine

The Kamoto Mine is an underground copper and cobalt mine to the west of Musonoi in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.The exploitation rights are owned by the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC), a joint venture between Katanga Mining (75%) and the state-owned Gécamines (25%). Gécamines began operations in the Kamoto underground mine in 1969.The mine produced three million tonnes of ore annually in the 1980s.Before it closed in October 1990 it had produced 59.3 million tonnes of ore, with an grade of 4.21% copper and 0.37% cobalt.