
Kashtariti (Akkadian: Kaš-ta-ri-ti, Old Persian: Xšaθrita; fl. 670s BCE) was a Median chieftain. He is mentioned as "King of the Medes" in an inscription dated 678 BCE. His lands were presumably located along the northeastern border of Assyria. Amongst his possessions was the city of Karkašši. Kashtariti forged an alliance with the Gimirrites (Cimmerians), Mannaeans, Medes and Scythians against Assyria.


Kashtariti (Akkadian: Kaš-ta-ri-ti, Old Persian: Xšaθrita; fl. 670s BCE) was a Median chieftain. He is mentioned as "King of the Medes" in an inscription dated 678 BCE. His lands were presumably located along the northeastern border of Assyria. Amongst his possessions was the city of Karkašši. Kashtariti forged an alliance with the Gimirrites (Cimmerians), Mannaeans, Medes and Scythians against Assyria.