Kasriel Broydo

Kasriel Broydo (1907–1945) was a songwriter, singer and coupletist. He was born in Vilnius and played in various troupes and marionette-theaters. His lyrics and songs, like Hot zikh a zun aza breyte tseshpreytn (The sun has spread around), were the folk songs of his place and time. Broydo's song Bay undz iz shtendik finster (It's always dark for us), music by Henech Kon, written on a motif by Moshe Broderzon, was taken into Sh. Katsherginski's Lider fun di getos un lagern; the Vilna Ghetto Ensemble performed it in the revue Men kon gornit visn (One Never Knows).

Kasriel Broydo

Kasriel Broydo (1907–1945) was a songwriter, singer and coupletist. He was born in Vilnius and played in various troupes and marionette-theaters. His lyrics and songs, like Hot zikh a zun aza breyte tseshpreytn (The sun has spread around), were the folk songs of his place and time. Broydo's song Bay undz iz shtendik finster (It's always dark for us), music by Henech Kon, written on a motif by Moshe Broderzon, was taken into Sh. Katsherginski's Lider fun di getos un lagern; the Vilna Ghetto Ensemble performed it in the revue Men kon gornit visn (One Never Knows).