Kattowitzer Volkswille

Kattowitzer Volkswille ('Kattowitz/Katowice People's Will'), generally called just Volkswille, was a German-language Social Democratic newspaper published from Kattowitz (today Katowice). The newspaper was founded in 1916 by the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) politician Otto Braun. Initially, the newspaper carried the devise 'Upper Silesian Free Press - Organ of the Upper Silesia Agitation District of the Social Democratic Party of Germany'.

Kattowitzer Volkswille

Kattowitzer Volkswille ('Kattowitz/Katowice People's Will'), generally called just Volkswille, was a German-language Social Democratic newspaper published from Kattowitz (today Katowice). The newspaper was founded in 1916 by the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) politician Otto Braun. Initially, the newspaper carried the devise 'Upper Silesian Free Press - Organ of the Upper Silesia Agitation District of the Social Democratic Party of Germany'.