Kauhajoki school shooting

The Kauhajoki school shooting occurred on 23 September 2008, at the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) in Kauhajoki, in the former province of Western Finland. The gunman, 22-year-old student Matti Juhani Saari, shot and killed ten people with a Walther P22 Target semi-automatic pistol, before shooting himself in the head. He died a few hours later at Tampere University Hospital. One woman was injured but was in a stable condition.

Kauhajoki school shooting

The Kauhajoki school shooting occurred on 23 September 2008, at the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) in Kauhajoki, in the former province of Western Finland. The gunman, 22-year-old student Matti Juhani Saari, shot and killed ten people with a Walther P22 Target semi-automatic pistol, before shooting himself in the head. He died a few hours later at Tampere University Hospital. One woman was injured but was in a stable condition.