Kayak Bill

Bill Davidson (1947–2003) was born on October 12, 1947 in Alberta, Canada and grew up in an orphanage. Bill was a pioneer in the Canadian rock climbing scene during the 1970s. After an early free ascent of the North America Wall of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park, in 1970, Bill returned to his native Alberta where he introduced extreme climbing to the Canadian Rockies. Around 1975, Bill suffered a near-fatal fall and left the climbing scene. On a visit to British Columbia he purchased a green and white double Frontiersman kayak, reduced his belongings to what he could carry with him, and traveled the north coast of British Columbia establishing camp sites on many remote islands. "Kayak" Bill often spent winters in Sointula on Malcolm Island where he became a self-taught "outsider" artis

Kayak Bill

Bill Davidson (1947–2003) was born on October 12, 1947 in Alberta, Canada and grew up in an orphanage. Bill was a pioneer in the Canadian rock climbing scene during the 1970s. After an early free ascent of the North America Wall of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park, in 1970, Bill returned to his native Alberta where he introduced extreme climbing to the Canadian Rockies. Around 1975, Bill suffered a near-fatal fall and left the climbing scene. On a visit to British Columbia he purchased a green and white double Frontiersman kayak, reduced his belongings to what he could carry with him, and traveled the north coast of British Columbia establishing camp sites on many remote islands. "Kayak" Bill often spent winters in Sointula on Malcolm Island where he became a self-taught "outsider" artis