Keys Handover Memorial

The Keys Handover Memorial (English: Место предаје кључева 1867. године, English: Place where keys were handed over in 1867) in Belgrade, Serbia, marks the spot where on 6 April 1867, the town keys of the several Serbian fortresses were given to Prince Mihailo Obrenović by the Ottoman Turks. That moment was an important step towards Serbian international recognition at the Treaty of Berlin in 1878. The memorial was declared a Protected Historic Landmark in 1991, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia.

Keys Handover Memorial

The Keys Handover Memorial (English: Место предаје кључева 1867. године, English: Place where keys were handed over in 1867) in Belgrade, Serbia, marks the spot where on 6 April 1867, the town keys of the several Serbian fortresses were given to Prince Mihailo Obrenović by the Ottoman Turks. That moment was an important step towards Serbian international recognition at the Treaty of Berlin in 1878. The memorial was declared a Protected Historic Landmark in 1991, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia.