
Khelsilem Tl’aḵwasiḵ̓an Sxwchálten (born July 19, 1989), also known as Dustin Rivers, is an Indigenous Canadian politician and First Nations leader in British Columbia. He is serving his first term as councillor for the Squamish Nation Council. The youngest Councillor elected in the 2017 election, he topped the polls with the most votes and was appointed as one of two Official Spokespersons for the Squamish Nation Council. He serves on numerous Council committees including Finance & Audit, Governance, Human Resources, and chair the Planning & Capital Projects Committee, and deputy chair for the Rights & Title Committee and Climate Action Task Force.


Khelsilem Tl’aḵwasiḵ̓an Sxwchálten (born July 19, 1989), also known as Dustin Rivers, is an Indigenous Canadian politician and First Nations leader in British Columbia. He is serving his first term as councillor for the Squamish Nation Council. The youngest Councillor elected in the 2017 election, he topped the polls with the most votes and was appointed as one of two Official Spokespersons for the Squamish Nation Council. He serves on numerous Council committees including Finance & Audit, Governance, Human Resources, and chair the Planning & Capital Projects Committee, and deputy chair for the Rights & Title Committee and Climate Action Task Force.