Khordad Sal

Khordad Sal is the birth anniversary (or birthdate) of Zoroaster. Zoroastrians all over the world, especially the Parsis of India, celebrate the day in a great glamor. Parties and are held. Special prayers and jashan are also held throughout the entire day. Clean, rangoli-strewn homes, children with vermilion spots on their foreheads, new clothes, fragrant flowers and delicious meals, all form part of the rituals. A grand feast is prepared to mark the occasion.

Khordad Sal

Khordad Sal is the birth anniversary (or birthdate) of Zoroaster. Zoroastrians all over the world, especially the Parsis of India, celebrate the day in a great glamor. Parties and are held. Special prayers and jashan are also held throughout the entire day. Clean, rangoli-strewn homes, children with vermilion spots on their foreheads, new clothes, fragrant flowers and delicious meals, all form part of the rituals. A grand feast is prepared to mark the occasion.