Kimi Hanauer

Kimi Hanauer (born 1993) is an artist, writer, musician, and cultural organizer. She is the founder of Press Press, an interdisciplinary publishing house that focuses on underrepresented voices and narratives. She has worked in Baltimore, Maryland and Los Angeles, California. From 2012–2016, Hanauer was a member of the indie rock band Adventures with current Code Orange band members Reba Meyers, Jami Morgan, Joe Goldman, and Dominic Landolina.

Kimi Hanauer

Kimi Hanauer (born 1993) is an artist, writer, musician, and cultural organizer. She is the founder of Press Press, an interdisciplinary publishing house that focuses on underrepresented voices and narratives. She has worked in Baltimore, Maryland and Los Angeles, California. From 2012–2016, Hanauer was a member of the indie rock band Adventures with current Code Orange band members Reba Meyers, Jami Morgan, Joe Goldman, and Dominic Landolina.